Sep 28, 2016

Changing the Art of Inhabitation

Excerpt from page 116.

"More and more, mass-production techniques change our ways of living and thinking without the consent of traditional avant-garde - the artists and intellectuals and their patrons. Innovation - or change of style - now enters society horizontally from mass-production industry and its ad-men, with feedback into the old fine arts.
In this situation it is necessary to change the whole focus of fine-art architectural activities; to produce powerfully distinct alternatives.


The relationship between the means and the architecture is the same as that of words of common speech with poetry. In the same way, once these means have been used distinctly, the 'anonymous' becomes specific, has been given special meaning.


It is possible that a future architecture will be expendable and that an urban discipline of a few fixed points and a scatter of change will develop. In such an architecture the shortness of life can allow of solutions in which the first process is the last process."

Smithson, Alison Margaret., and Peter Smithson. Changing the Art of Inhabitation. London: Artemis, 1994. Print.

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